Tisa's Word Magnets Art
Tisa's Word Magnets Art One of my readers posted this on her Instagram account after she read Air Born. Thank you, Tisa. Beautiful words!
Sketch by Jonathan Thompson
Sketch by Jonathan Thompson This fan contacted me on Instagram and offered to do a pencil sketch. I provided him with a picture and he did an amazing job of capturing the image. You can find him at www.ArtPal.com/jonathanthompson.
Kylah's painting from a scene in Air Born
Kylah's painting from a scene in Air Born Kylah painted this amazing piece after reading Air Born. She included a quote from the scene. "She wore a flowing white blouse which made it appear as if she was a part of the cloud itself. She reminded him of the tales of mermaids who would briefly make an appearance above the waters to entice sailors away from their ships." Her art can be found at www.etsy.com/shop/SchwehmArt TY Kylah!
Ryan's Abstract Inspired by Air Born
Ryan's Abstract Inspired by Air Born Ryan was one of the beta readers for Air Born. He conveyed to me that the story touched him so deeply that he had to stop reading due to his own emotional experiences, but that he hoped to someday finish it. He did, however, feel compelled to do this art based on the story. TY Ryan.
Possessing a violent desire to write!
Possessing a violent desire to write! This is an awesome drawing by Roman Hudson, who's a friend, and a fan. I'm a fan of his very unique drawings and he drew this specifically for me as a writer. His drawings all show a unique mix of technology with emotions in a simplistic, but impactful aspect. If he ever gets a gallery online I'll be sure to feature a link to it from here. Thank you for the amazing drawing, Roman.