• Undiscovered for All!

     Undiscovered available for all eBook platforms!

     Thanks to the wonders of bookfunnel.com Undiscovered is now available for Kindle, iBooks, PDF, mobi, and epub formats. Which basically means just about any type of ereader can be used for reading it. Bookfunnel is a great service for providing the ability to download a book in multiple formats without me trying to play tech support for everyone who wants a copy of the book on their device. At $20 per year, it's pretty hard to beat. So, now I'm just waiting to hear which stories are liked by the readers. (Hint, hint.)

    Subscription to Inside pi

    I've set up a new signup page for subscribing to my regular newsletter, which is now called Inside pi. If you want to know why it's called this, you'll have to go to the sign up page and read about it. ;) Inside pi will provide me with a way to notify my fans and readers with new announcements, special discounts, news about events, and just stay in touch with them without having to blurt out everything to the entire world. So, if you want to stay in touch with what is going on in my writer world, please sign up. If you have entered your information for downloading Undiscovered, well, you're already on the list. 

    Subscribe to Inside pi

    That's it for now. Short, brief, and to the point. Enjoy reading and keep those words flowing. 

  • Discover Undiscovered!

    I finally got around to compiling most of my short stories into a single book. Many have asked me about doing this and it totally made sense. After all, they are already written! Although, there is a brand new story in this book, which I'm very proud of - Meghan's Crayons. I have always been very facinated by the crazy smart intelligence of those who are blessed with autism, and somehow, I managed to wrap in a story about quantum entanglement. Yeah, very geeky. But with several readings to some of my very close friends and family, and a few resulting tweeks to the story, it is now ready for public consumption. 

    This is good timing for me. While I do have a lot of volunteer activities through the next 6 weeks, any writing I do is going to be completely devoted to Air Storm. It would be nice if I could get the full draft completed by the end of the year. At least, that's my goal. 

    Enjoy the new book and feel free to use the feedback links at the end of each story to let me know what you think. Oh, by the way, the book is free! Just click on the book to go to the download page.